Corporate Partners
InsPAC has achieved wide recognition and prestige in the Post-Acute Care industry through support and collaboration with an array of corporate entities who are committed to the industry. We provide for a mutually beneficial relationship. In return for financial and other support, InsPAC provides our Corporate Partners with innovative services and access to our valued membership directory.
Meet our Corporate Partners

Code of Ethics for Corporate Partners
InsPAC offers a platform for corporate partners to promote their services or products. InsPAC possesses no resources to, and will not evaluate, validate, or recommend any product or service. Corporate Partners have the sole responsibility to validate and promote their product and service.
InsPAC bears no responsibility for the acceptance, success or otherwise of a promotion pitch to an InsPAC provided audience. Corporate Partners have the sole responsibility to speak to the efficacy and competitive advantage of their product or service.
InsPAC is open to have a working relationship with any reputable vendor of the PAC industry. Corporate Partners agree to maintain a respectable business relationship with each other and must maintain confidentiality of PAC associate members’ products, services, business strategies and competitors’ information.
InsPAC does not identify with any one particular social or political group and prohibits corporate partners from associating InsPAC in any social or political activity.
Proprietary information of InsPAC and corporate partners must be safeguarded and protected by all parties.
InsPAC and her corporate partners agree that corporate identity, including logo, products, services, cost and pricing information shall not be disclosed in social media without written permission of the other party.
InsPAC Corporate Partners agree:
• To conduct their respective business such that the reputation of each other is not maligned in the industry, communities, and society at large.
• To conduct their respective and joint businesses such that there are no risks (e.g., financial, reputational, legal etc.) passed onto related parties to the agreement.
• Agree to not misrepresent themselves, misuse the name and resources of the other party. The parties agree to reimburse the other for causing any financial costs, damages, and liability of any kind to the affected party or parties.
• InsPAC may accept as many corporate partners as it deems necessary to further its interests and service the Post-Acute Care industry.
Benefits at a glance
• Opportunity for corporate logo placement at the InsPAC website.
• The corporate name and logo are hyper-linked to the Corporate Partners’ website.
• InsPAC website has attained a wide acclaim as a one-stop resource for most professionals of diverse sector of the Post-Acute Care community.
• InsPAC website is recognized as a premier resource for InsPAC members. Traffic to the website is propelled by InsPAC active presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok and an active membership platforms.
Enviable InsPAC database of interdisciplinary InsPAC Members.
• Our database has active professionals at all levels of the Nursing and Management careers in the Post-Acute Care industry. We have a rich list of decision makers: Chief Nursing Officers, PAC facility owners, Regional Nurses, VP/Regional Directors of Operations, Pharmacists, Physicians, APRN’s, Directors of Nurses, Nursing Home Administrators, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Infection Preventionist, Staff Educators, MDS Coordinators, Social Workers, Care Navigators working in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Care and Hospice Facilities, Hospitals and Post-Acute Care Units.
• Dedicated InsPAC staff person assigned to each Corporate Partner (depending on partner level).
• Graduated levels of priority to attain a time slot to engage with InsPAC members during InsPAC organized events such as monthly meetings.
• InsPAC is well positioned to assist Corporate Partners to source subject matter experts to serve in advisory capacities.
Complimentary tiered number of invites to InsPAC organized events and meetings.
• Word count limit (tied to Partner Level) to advertise company with link and logo.
• Graded levels of complimentary promotions at InsPAC events.
Request for Information on Corporate Partnership